The Damage Report with John Iadarola - Season 3 Episode 83 April 28, 2020
Overview: House Reps, unable to figure out a way to work from home, will neither be returning to DC this week nor be passing any new bills as they had previously promised. Despite right-wing attempts to undermine the Covid-19 death count, studies show it's likely much higher than what's currently being reported. A lockdown protest leader contracts the virus but nevertheless regrets nothing. Tomi Lahren and other right-wing grifters' hypocrisy and racism is exposed, yet again. Diamond and Silk are fired after taking their conspiracy theories one step too far (and that's by Fox News standards.) publishes a damning ad unmasking all of Trump's coronavirus lies. Dave Catanese LIVE on how the uncertainty caused by the pandemic is putting presidential campaign strategies in complete disarray.